Wednesday, 28 February 2018




The right time for marriage is different for each person and unique to each situation. Maturity levels and life experiences are varying factors; some people are ready for marriage at 18, and some are never prepared for it. As the U.S. divorce rate exceeds 50 percent, it is obvious that much of our society does not view marriage as an everlasting commitment. However, this is the world's view, which will usually contradict God's (1 Corinthians 3:18).

A strong foundation is imperative for a successful marriage and should be settled before one even begins to date or court a potential life mate. Our Christian walk should include much more than just attending church on Sundays and being involved in Bible study. We must have a personal relationship with God that comes only through trusting in and obeying Jesus Christ. We must educate ourselves about marriage, seeking God's view on it, before diving in. A person must know what the Bible says about love, commitment, sexual relations, the role of a husband and wife, and His expectations of us before committing to marriage. Having at least one Christian married couple as a role model is also important. An older couple can answer questions about what goes into a successful marriage, how to create intimacy (beyond the physical), how faith is invaluable, etc.

A prospective married couple also needs to make sure that they know each other well. They should know each other's views on marriage, finances, in-laws, child-rearing, discipline, duties of a husband and wife, whether only one of them or both will be working outside the home, and the level of the other person’s spiritual maturity. Many people get married taking their partner's word for it that they are a Christian, only to find out later that it was merely lip service. Every couple considering marriage should go through counseling with a Christian marriage counselor or pastor. In fact, many pastors will not perform weddings unless they have met several times with the couple in a counseling setting.

Marriage is not only a commitment, but a covenant with God. It is the promise to remain with that other person for the remainder of your life, no matter whether your spouse is rich, poor, healthy, sick, overweight, underweight, or boring. A Christian marriage should endure through every circumstance, including fighting, anger, devastation, disaster, depression, bitterness, addiction, and loneliness. Marriage should never be entered into with the idea that divorce is an option—not even as the last straw. The Bible tells us that through God all things are possible (Luke 18:27), and this certainly includes marriage. If a couple makes the decision at the beginning to stay committed and to put God first, divorce will not be the inevitable solution to a miserable situation.

It is important to remember that God wants to give us the desires of our heart, but that is only possible if our desires match His.
People often get married because it just “feels right.” In the early stages of dating, and even of marriage, you see the other person coming, and you get butterflies in your stomach. Romance is at its peak, and you know the feeling of being “in love.” Many expect that this feeling will remain forever. The reality is that it does not. The result can be disappointment and even divorce as those feelings fade, but those in successful marriages know that the excitement of being with the other person does not have to end. Instead, the butterflies give way to a deeper love, a stronger commitment, a more solid foundation, and an unbreakable security.

The Bible is clear that love does not rely on feelings. This is evident when we are told to love our enemies (Luke 6:35). True love is possible only when we allow the Holy Spirit to work through us, cultivating the fruit of our salvation (Galatians 5:22-23). It is a decision we make on a daily basis to die to ourselves and our selfishness, and to let God shine through us. Paul tells us how to love others in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” When we are ready to love another person as 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 describes, that is the right time for marriage.

May the lord open your eye to chose rightly and be happy with your choice forever in Jesus Name

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Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Should a married person have a close friend of the opposite sex?


TOPIC: Should a married person have a close friend of the opposite sex?

The Bible does not forbid close friendships between men and women. As Christians, however, there are some principles that we would be wise to heed.
Married people especially need to be wary of friendships with members of the opposite sex because temptations are more likely to arise when there are marital problems. If a man’s best friend is a woman who is not his wife, he is likely to share these problems with her, which can lead to an unhealthy emotional attachment.
The same holds true for a woman who has as a best friend a man who is not her husband.
Most married people who have affairs don’t purposely go out to find a romantic interest outside of their marriage. Many people say, “I didn’t mean for it to happen; it just happened.” But these things “just happen” when we “play with fire” and put ourselves in situations that are difficult to control.

When we feel a spouse is not attentive to our needs, we can easily feel that we have “fallen in love” with someone else who does give us the attention we crave. When we feel ignored or under-appreciated by a spouse, we should communicate our struggles with the spouse and avoid the danger of seeking comfort elsewhere.

Even a marriage that is built on a foundation of faith in Christ and has relatively few problems is not immune to extra-marital temptations. This is why the Bible does not tell us to stick around and try to fight temptation, but to flee from it like we do from all "youthful lusts" (2 Timothy 2:22).

Trying to fight temptation seems to become difficult when it comes to matters of the heart or the lusts of the flesh. First Corinthians 6:18 tells us that we need to run away from sexual sin, because it is much easier to run away from temptation than to stay and fight it.

Married men and women should carefully avoid putting themselves in compromising situations when it comes to the opposite sex. If they are seen together in public, it might give the wrong impression. If they are alone on the phone or in person, they will subject themselves to the temptation of an emotional or physical affair. The Bible tells us that everything we do should be for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31),

In Jesus Name you will not miss your days of glorification and your destiny will not be truncated

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Monday, 26 February 2018




Is it necessary for a Christian to marry? What is the purpose of marriage?

The Bible has a lot to say about this, Since the first marriage was between the first man and the first woman, it is assumed that marriage is God’s will for most people.
It was instituted in the dispensation of innocence and is therefore a holy institution.

The first reason that the Bible gives for the existence of marriage is simple: Adam was lonely and needed a helper (Genesis 2:18). This is the primary purpose of marriage—
companionship, and
mutual help and comfort.

Another purpose of marriage is to create a stable home in which children can grow and thrive.

The best marriage is between two believers (2 Corinthians 6:14) who can produce godly offspring (Malachi 2:13–15). In Malachi, God tells the Israelites that He will not accept their offerings because they have been unfaithful to the wives of their youth. This shows how much God cares about marriage being kept intact. Not only that, but He tells them He was seeking “godly offspring.”

This Mean...
a) That godly offspring are the purpose of marriage;

b) That a good marriage between two godly people will mean that any children they have will tend to be godly as well;

c) God wanted the Israelites to be faithful to their wives instead of leaving them for foreign women who would produce for them ungodly offspring because of the idolatry of those nations; and

d) That God Himself was seeking His own offspring (the people) to exhibit godliness by their faithfulness. In any of these interpretations, we see a common theme: the children of faithful people will tend to be faithful, too.

Not only does marriage teach children how to be faithful and give them a stable environment in which to learn and grow, it has a sanctifying effect on both marriage partners when they submit to God’s law (Ephesians 5).

Every marriage has difficult moments or difficult dynamics. When two sinful people are trying to create a life together, they must submit to God’s command to love each another as God has loved us—selflessly (1 John 3:16). Our attempts to follow God’s commands in our own strength tend to end in failure, and that failure tends to make the believer more aware of his dependence on God and more open to the Spirit’s work in him, which tends to result in godliness. And godliness helps us to follow God’s commands. So, marriage is very helpful for the one trying to live a godly life; it helps to scrub the heart clean of selfishness and other impurities.

Marriage also protects individuals from sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 7:2). The world we live in is full of sexual images, innuendo, and temptation. Even if a person doesn’t pursue sexual sin, it pursues him or her, and it is very hard to escape it.
Marriage provides a healthy place to express sexuality, without opening oneself up to the severe emotional (and many times physical) damage that is caused by casual, non-committed sexual relationships. It is clear that God created marriage for our good (Proverbs 18:22), to make us happy, to promote a healthier society, and to produce holiness in our lives.

Finally, marriage is a beautiful picture of the relationship between Christ and His church. The body of believers that make up the Church are collectively called bride of Christ.
As Bridegroom, Jesus gave His life for His bride, “to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word” (Ephesians 5:25–26), and His selfless act provides an example for all husbands. At the coming of Christ, the church will be united with the Bridegroom, the official “wedding ceremony” will take place, and with it the eternal union of Christ and His bride will be actualized (Revelation 19:7–9; 21:1–2).

In Jesus Name, your relationship will be sweet and all God's promises for your home will come to fulfilment in Jesus Name

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Sunday, 25 February 2018

Is it wrong for a husband and wife to have separate bank accounts?


TOPIC: Is it wrong for a husband and wife to have separate bank accounts?

For various reasons, couples want separate bank accounts. Money is the number-one cause of problems in marriage, and because the issue of finances is the most common source of arguments in marriage, engaged couples would do well to take the time to decide how these things will be settled prior to entering into marriage. The Bible speaks very clearly about the joining of a man and a woman (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5; Ephesians 5:25-33), and those verses all show that the two shall become one entity, with the man as the spiritual leader and the woman in submission to him. This is the principle which should be brought to bear upon the issue of finances in general and separate bank accounts in particular.

A couple who are truly “one” will be one in all areas of their marriage. Most importantly, they will be of one mind regarding spiritual matters. Men are called to be "priests" of their homes (1 Corinthians 11:3), which means that they are to be the spiritual leaders and to bring together the family to serve the Lord. Wives are to submit to their husbands’ leadership, helping to bring up children in the “training and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). In parenting, as in all things within a marriage, unity and harmony are essential.

This unity of spirit is to be present in temporal matters as well, where husband and wife are again to be of one mind and one heart. This means that money and possessions are seen as belonging to both partners equally. Just as there is no “your child and my child,” there should be no distinction between “my money and your money.” All is shared equally in a true partnership, and no partnership is more equal than two people united in Christ. Therefore, there is really no reason to have separate bank accounts. Usually the situation of separate bank accounts occurs when there is a severe issue with trust, and in such a case there are greater problems in the marriage than just where the money resides. Lack of trust is deadly to a marriage, and if it exists, prayer is crucial to seek the wisdom of the Lord (James 1:5) on how to resolve this. The Bible says that we are one with our spouses, and so we should be resolved to show this unity to our children, our friends, our church, and the watching world. Where conflict over money exists, there is an opportunity to grow in love and most importantly in trust to bring together the entire family for God's purpose.

In Jesus Name, your home will not scatter, your relationship will not hit the rock

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Thursday, 22 February 2018

Why Praying pt7



"Why pray? What is the point of prayer when God knows the future and is already in control of everything? If we cannot change God's mind, why should we pray?"

For the Christian, praying is supposed to be like breathing, easier to do than to not do. We pray for a variety of reasons. For one thing, prayer is a form of serving God (Luke 2:36-38) and obeying Him.

We pray because God commands us to pray (Philippians 4:6-7). Prayer is exemplified for us by Christ and the early church (Mark 1:35; Acts 1:14; 2:42; 3:1; 4:23-31; 6:4; 13:1-3). If Jesus thought it was worthwhile to pray, we should also. If He needed to pray to remain in the Father’s will, how much more do we need to pray?

Another reason to pray is that God intends prayer to be the means of obtaining His solutions in a number of situations. We pray in preparation for major decisions (Luke 6:12-13); to overcome demonic barriers (Matthew 17:14-21); to gather workers for the spiritual harvest (Luke 10:2); to gain strength to overcome temptation (Matthew 26:41); and to obtain the means of strengthening others spiritually (Ephesians 6:18-19).

We come to God with our specific requests, and we have God's promise that our prayers are not in vain, even if we do not receive specifically what we asked for (Matthew 6:6; Romans 8:26-27). He has promised that when we ask for things that are in accordance with His will, He will give us what we ask for (1 John 5:14-15). Sometimes He delays His answers according to His wisdom and for our benefit. In these situations, we are to be diligent and persistent in prayer (Matthew 7:7; Luke 18:1-8). Prayer should not be seen as our means of getting God to do our will on earth, but rather as a means of getting God's will done on earth. God’s wisdom far exceeds our own.

For situations in which we do not know God's will specifically, prayer is a means of discerning His will. If the Syrian woman with the demon-influenced daughter had not prayed to Christ, her daughter would not have been made whole (Mark 7:26-30). If the blind man outside Jericho had not called out to Christ, he would have remained blind (Luke 18:35-43). God has said that we often go without because we do not ask (James 4:2). In one sense, prayer is like sharing the gospel with people. We do not know who will respond to the message of the gospel until we share it. In the same way, we will never see the results of answered prayer unless we pray.

A lack of prayer demonstrates a lack of faith and a lack of trust in God’s Word. We pray to demonstrate our faith in God, that He will do as He has promised in His Word and bless our lives abundantly more than we could ask or hope for (Ephesians 3:20). Prayer is our primary means of seeing God work in others' lives. Because it is our means of “plugging into” God's power, it is our means of defeating Satan and his army that we are powerless to overcome by ourselves. Therefore, may God find us often before His throne, for we have a high priest in heaven who can identify with all that we go through (Hebrews 4:15-16). We have His promise that the fervent prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much (James 5:16-18).

May God glorify His name in our lives as we believe in Him enough to come to Him often in Prayer in Jesus name

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Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Why praying pt6




Acts 3:7-9 KJV
And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. [8] And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God. [9] And all the people saw him walking and praising God:

When the lame man is healed in Acts 3 by the prayer of Peter, his response is to rise, leap in joy, and praise God. When God answers our prayers, we offer praise. God receives glory as men receive from Him and respond rightly.

Prayer is a gift from a heavenly Father, who loves to hear from His children. There are countless reasons to pray. Let's be a people of prayer. Never will one minute in prayer closets be a minute wasted or later regretted.

Get up anytime any how and raise your voice in prayer to God in faith for it is sure you will testify if you do. Don't be discouraged because of the present circumstances or for the fact that you have prayed and you haven't received answer, persist and endure your miracle shall come

In Jesus Name your enemy will bow in shame as your miracle shake ground in Jesus Name

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Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Why praying pt5




There are many who say, "Why pray if God already predestines all things? Why pray for someone's conversion, why pray that God would heal my body, why pray for anything?" Because God chooses to use means.
He uses rain to make the grass grow. He uses the sun to light the world. He uses our prayers to accomplish His purposes. It is one of the most amazing and humbling realities in the universe, but it is true.

God chooses to use us in accomplishing His purposes. Our prayers may be the very means He uses to save our children, to provide health to the person on the prayer list, or maintain unity in our local church.

James says, "The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working" (James 5:16). We have no clue this side of heaven what our prayers are accomplishing for the sake of the Kingdom, our church, our families, or our person. Frankly, we would be overwhelmed in the present if we knew how purposeful, meaningful, and essential God has made our prayers. It is humbling. And it is terribly exciting.

In Jesus Name, your prayer will work wonder that will turn your life around for better

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Monday, 19 February 2018

Why praying pt4




James says, "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach and it will be given him" (James 1:5).

We ask to receive. Jesus follows his teaching of the Lord's Prayer in Luke 11 with the story of the man who is awoken from bed by a friend who desires three loaves of bread. And Jesus says, "How much more the Father? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"

This is all in the context of the Lord's Prayer, which is filled with asking to receive. We do pray to receive. And we have a Heavenly Father, who loves to give. He is the giver of all good gifts. If everything good comes from Him, then in prayer we rightfully seek and ask of Him.

Today, our Heavenly Father is calling you to ask him what you desire and what you really want, won't you have a nice time with him, remember there is no place he can't hear you, no time is too sort or much for you to connect him. He is waiting to hear from you, pray today to receive from him. AMEN

In Jesus Name, the lord will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Jesus name

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Sunday, 18 February 2018

Why praying pt3




Some have said that prayer's purpose is not so that we might change God, but so that God might change us. And there is much truth in this. Calvin said, we pray in Jesus' name so "that there may enter our hearts no desire and no wish at all of which we should be ashamed to make him a witness, while we learn to set all our desires before his eyes, and even to pour out our whole hearts."

In prayer our hearts are shaped and molded, our affections are stirred, and our minds are transformed. The prayer closet is the academy of righteousness.


We are not independent beings. As Paul preached at the Areopagus, "In him we live and move and have our being." We are and can be nothing apart from Him.

"Prayer is as necessary for us as it is necessary for a beggar to ask alms."

A beggar is by definition one who asks for alms. We are people, human beings, created in His image; by very definition we are dependent and are to pray.

This week, God will answer your prayer and your testimony will shake ground and turn unbeliever to Christ in Jesus Name

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Thursday, 15 February 2018

Why praying pt2




There is nothing more lovely, nothing greater our hearts can seek, and nothing more fulfilling than God Himself. And as we speak with Him, we get to know Him more. As the Psalmist says, "One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple" (Psalm 27:4).

We want to know Him. We want to know God in all His glory. If that is the case, then like a young woman dating and trying to get to know a young man, we will want to talk with Him MORE. if you take prayer like this it will be easy for you to Pray Always


I think of Habakkuk's words, "The Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silent before him" (Habakkuk 2:20). There is a real benefit in coming before the Lord in silence. It is true that we get to know Him more fully in prayer, but we also get to know ourselves more fully.
How often we pray and are convicted by some sin that we didn't know was present before. We hear it uttered from our lips or find our minds entangled by it as we approach Him in prayer.
we are made aware that what we have believed or practiced or dreamed or sought is unholy. Prayer lays open our hearts not only before God, but before ourselves. God already knows what is in them, we often do not.


May God expose and destroy every satanic power that is holding back your miracle in Jesus name

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Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Why praying



Why should we pray? God already knows our hearts. He already knows our desires. So why pray? We could easily say it is because the Bible commands it. Paul goes as far as to say, "Pray without ceasing" (1 Thess. 5:17)—that is reason enough. But let's explore a few other reasons for why we should pray.


A relationship of love is one of enjoying each other. If I say "I love my wife" but never speak to her, it is likely that I don't love her. If I love her, then I will want to talk with her, spend time with her, and desire her. This is why we see Jesus in passages like Mark 1, "rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed." He loves the Father. The Father loves Him, so He wanted to spend time talking with Him even before the day started.


James says, "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights" (James 1:17). Paul says in Philippians that we are to "be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God" (Philippians 4:6). Like the one leper who returned to Jesus, we are to return to God time and again with thanksgiving. All that we have been given, all that we have received, is a gift from His hands. Prayer demonstrates and provides a vehicle for our offering gratitude.

In Jesus Name, your prayer will bring fourth more blessing for you before the end of this month

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Monday, 12 February 2018

Prayer that God Hears


TOPIC: Prayers that God Hears

“The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed this prayer: ‘I thank you, God, that I am not a sinner like everyone else. For I don’t cheat, I don’t sin, and I don’t commit adultery. I’m certainly not like that tax collector! I fast twice a week, and I give you a tenth of my income.’

“But the tax collector stood at a distance and dared not even lift his eyes to heaven as he prayed. Instead, he beat his chest in sorrow, saying, ‘O God, be merciful to me, for I am a sinner.’ I tell you, this sinner, not the Pharisee, returned home justified before God. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” (Luke 18:11-14, New Living Translation)

The parable’s lesson is found in what these two men do in response to God’s presence. The proud church leader attempts to validate his own “righteousness” in his prayer. He judges his neighbor all while spouting his good deeds, as if that’s going to guarantee him some Brownie points with God. The tax collector approaches his prayer in humility. With no self-righteous bone in his body, he asks God to show him mercy.

The Lord hears the prayers of the justified and the humble. King Josiah’s god-fearing life, as recorded in the Old Testament, is an example of this. In 2 Chronicles 34:27, we see that a repentant heart gets God’s attention.

You were sorry and humbled yourself before God when you heard his words against this city and its people. You humbled yourself and tore your clothing in despair and wept before me in repentance. And I have indeed heard you, says the Lord. (NLT)

God wants to hear sincerity in our prayer, not vanity. As we pray, let’s determine to stay steadfastly humble before the Lord. Fortunately, God extends mercy to everyone who comes to Him in repentance, even those who get stuck in Churchianity, like the Pharisee. Bottom line: God is concerned with the heart of a person. So next time you go to God in prayer, ask yourself, am I humble or proud? Either way, it’s a chance to get right with Him.

In Jesus Name, your prayer will not be a castaway, God will make you smile with miracle in Jesus name.

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Thursday, 8 February 2018

Keep Going


TOPIC: Keep Going

Know you're making a difference.

Spiritual warfare often comes when we are about to make a dent for God's kingdom which brings glory to God.
If you are encountering spiritual warfare, know that God is using you, and you are making a difference. In fact, the greater the spiritual warfare likely means the greater the impact you are having for the kingdom.

Jon Bloom shared a powerful blog about spiritual warfare that has helped me immensely. He writes:

In war a breakthrough only really matters if it occurs at a strategic location. And the evidence that a location is strategic is almost always revealed by the amount of enemy forces amassed to protect it. An enemy led by skilled generals plans to ferociously protect what it prizes highly.
But we must keep in mind that strategic ground is not yielded easily. Whether we’re battling for breakthroughs against our own stubborn sin or the unbelief of a loved one or breakthroughs in the missional advance of our local church, reaching unreached peoples, rescuing persecuted believers, orphans, sex slaves, or the unborn, we are up against “spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12). We don’t know exactly what that means, except that these forces are very strong.

So if you are encountering spiritual warfare, you may be about to see a strategic breakthrough for the kingdom of God, for freedom in people's lives, and for the glory of God. Keep going!

In Jesus Name, you will make it to the top and be celebrated.

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Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Understanding the spiritual warfare



Double back on your joy & peace in the Lord.

Spiritual warfare often comes right before unprecedented seasons of God's blessing. If you are experiencing unusual adversity and the timing seems odd as you are simply trying to make an impact for the kingdom of God, be encouraged that God may be about to bless your efforts significantly.
Often spiritual warfare is the enemy's attempt to steal our happiness about what God is doing in our lives. Don't take the bait! Double back on your peace and joy in God, and His sovereignty over every situation in your life.

Nehemiah told the people, "Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." (Nehemiah 8:10) In moments where God is moving, and blessing and spiritual warfare comes your way, don't let it steal your joy - enjoy, and be satisfied and grateful for everything God has done for you, and is about to do through you!

If you need to, pray with David, "Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me." (Psalm 51:12)
Jesus promised he would give us a peace that this world cannot take away, and that surpasses understanding. (John 14:27; Philippians 4:7)

In Jesus Name, your joy will not turn to sorrow and may your happiness multiply

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Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Recognizing Spiritual warfare



2 Corinthians 10:3-4 KJV
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: [4] (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

Here is what it often looks like:
Spiritual warfare most often happens right before or after God uses us for powerful ministry impact, or right before or after God moves in our own spiritual lives in a significant way.

Spiritual warfare often comes in an attempt to steal our happiness in God and His work in our lives. If God has opened a door of opportunity for you, or is furthering you along in His calling on your life, and suddenly something happens that dampens your joy, that could very well be spiritual warfare in an attempt to draw you away from your joy in God.

Spiritual warfare may look like unusual adversity that has unusual timing right before or after God uses you for kingdom impact, or does something significant in you.
Spiritual warfare can also look like unusual temptation right before or after God uses you for kingdom impact, or does something significant in you. Years ago, I read Jim Elliot's journals, and noticed he experienced unusual temptation the month before he was martyred for bringing the gospel to an unreached tribe. The story of his sacrifice has impacted millions of believers to abandon all for the sake of getting the gospel to the unreached.

For pastors, spiritual warfare often comes in the way of unusual relationship struggles, where a deacon or member in the church causes abnormal issues for the pastor, causing them to be exhausted and discouraged.

Ephesians 6:12 KJV
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places .

In Jesus Name, you will overcome and testify.

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Monday, 5 February 2018

Spiritual warfare pt2



Don't call everything spiritual warfare.

We will all face hardship in this life. Even as believers, we will face hardships - sometimes even because of our faith! Jesus promised this, and the Church has always experienced this reality.

Not every hardship in life is spiritual warfare. As they say, "don't look for a demon under every rock."
Sometimes what we perceive as spiritual warfare may actually be God testing and refining us (Psalm 66:10, 1 Peter 1:7, Isaiah 48:10, Proverbs 17:3), or it could even be us reaping what we've sown. (Galatians 6:7-8, Proverbs 19:3)
That being said, we should also recognize that sometimes there's a spiritual reality to what we are facing.

May the lord Jesus correct every of your past mistake that is affecting your life negatively in Jesus Name

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Sunday, 4 February 2018

Spiritual warfare


TOPIC: Spiritual warfare (pt1)

"Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Ephesians 6:11-12)
For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)

Know that spiritual warfare is very real.

Spiritual warfare doesn't have to be some weird, confusing, overly spiritual thing. It can be recognized, clearly labeled and endured in God's strength. Recognizing that the Bible often warns that we will face spiritual warfare, is your first step to being on guard against it. And in recognizing that spiritual warfare is real, we can also know that we are given the tools we need to combat it, outlined in Ephesians 6:

You will overcome all your spiritual warfare and victory is yours in Jesus name

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Thursday, 1 February 2018

Don't give up



Take the steps that God shows you. As you seek God’s will for your life, sometimes God will give you clear signs to follow, and sometimes He will simply give you a sense of peace. Humbly pray for wisdom every day and step out in faith whenever God shows you a way in which he wants you to put your faith into action. In the process, miracles can happen.

Don’t give up until God answers your prayers. Since God’s timing (which is perfect) often takes longer than the immediate results that human beings like to see, many people give up praying for miracles when they don’t see answers to their prayers right away. But God will always answer your prayers with either a “yes” or a “no” that’s clear; you just need to patiently wait until the right time for the answer to come. In the meantime, never give up praying and trusting God to do what’s best.

Before you are tired, your miracle will come in a big way in Jesus Name

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