Monday, 30 December 2019

Just Because You Failed Dosen't Mean You Are A Failure

Topic: Just Because You Failed Dosen't Mean You Are A Failure

: Mark 14:66-72 THE STORY 

I don’t know how you feel about it, but when I read this story I get a little angry at Peter. What about you? Don’t you get a little upset with Peter? Aren’t you a little aggravated and disappointed?

We want to fuss at Peter. We want to take Peter and shake him and say, "Man, what in the world have you done? You’re a disciple! For three years you walked with Jesus! You heard the sermons and you saw the miracles! You were there in Capernaum when Jesus walked into your house and healed your mother-in-law."

We want to say, "Peter, weren’t you there at the house of Jairus along with James and John when Jesus ... said to that little twelve year old girl, ’Arise.’ And all of a sudden the incredible happened to that little twelve year old body. Her eyes began to open; that little heart began to beat again. You were there! You saw Jesus raise the dead! What’s wrong with you, man?"

Peter, what’s wrong with you? You saw all of these miracles and you were there. Ah, we want to fuss at Peter, don’t we? At least I do. I’m a little disappointed in Peter, but that’s not God’s response. Let me show you how God responded to Peter.

It’s Sunday morning. The tomb is empty. Jesus has died. He’s been buried. He’s been raised. The women go, looking for the body of Jesus and the angel appears. I love what the angel says in Mark 16:7
"Go and tell his disciples and Peter that he’s going ahead of them to Galilee. There they will see him, just as he told them."

Have you ever wondered why the angel singled out Peter? Think about it.

Why didn’t the angel say, ’Go tell His disciples --- and John’? or James’? or Philip’? Why do you think the angel singled out Peter? Why Peter of all people?

It’s as though the angel is saying, ’Peter, I want you to know that just because you failed, heaven does not believe you are a failure.’

The women show up. It’s a Sunday morning. ’Whom are you looking for?’ the Angel says. ’We’re looking for Jesus.’ ’He’s not here. He’s risen. Go, tell His disciples,’ and it’s as though the angel pauses and smiles ... and says, ’especially tell Peter. Tell Peter that though he struck out, he gets to bat again; that just because he threw an incomplete pass, he doesn’t have to sit on the bench. ’Tell His disciples --- and Peter.’ Tell Peter that just because he failed he’s not a flop! Tell Peter that just because he failed, that doesn’t mean he is a failure!

And then who preached that great sermon on the Day of Pentecost? Who stood up before that group and said:

"People of Israel, listen! God publicly endorsed Jesus of Nazareth by doing wonderful miracles, wonders, and signs through him, as you well know. But you followed God’s prearranged plan. With the help of lawless Gentiles, you nailed him to the cross and murdered him. However, God released him from the horrors of death and raised him back to life again, for death could not keep him in its grip. Acts 2:22-24

We’ve seen the resurrection! Who said that? Peter!

Who preached to those Jews: "Repent, and be baptized” Peter!

What about the sermon in Acts 10? Cornelius and his family. All the relatives are there. Somebody shows up and says: "... "I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right….So he ordered that they be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ." Acts 10:35, 48

Who preached that sermon and who baptized Cornelius? Peter!

What about Acts 3? The Lame man. He’s sitting there, begging. Somebody passes by and says:

"I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene-- walk!" Acts 3:6

Who raised that lame man and enabled him to walk again? Peter!

Who wrote, "Add to your faith virtue and to virtue, knowledge, knowledge temperance, temperance patience, patience godliness, and to godliness brotherly kindness"? I’ll tell you who wrote that! The one who denied Jesus! The Apostle Peter!

Just because Peter failed that does not mean he was a failure!

Let’s make an application. I want you to think about the most horrible sin that you’ve ever committed. Everybody think with me! About the most painful, ugly sin of your life!

Maybe you publicly used God’s name in vain.

Maybe you have been addicted to alcohol. You’ve been drunk.

Maybe you have been addicted to drugs.

Or, maybe you’ve gone through a divorce, and been told that we in the Church don’t do that.

Or, maybe you have committed fornication. You’re not married and you’ve lost your virginity.

Maybe you’ve even tried and experimented with Homosexuality.

Maybe as a teenage girl you slipped off one night and got pregnant. Then you slipped away again and had an abortion. You took the life of that innocent baby.

All of us have been there, haven’t we! All of us have been there! But I’ve got news for you, folks: Just because you have failed, doesn’t mean you have to be a failure!

Are you listening to me?

Just because you’ve failed, that doesn’t mean you’re a failure! You can turn your life around and accept the love of Jesus!

There’s an interesting part of this story that Luke includes in his Gospel. Luke says that when Peter denied, cursed, and swore, Jesus turned and looked at him. I don’t know what you see in those eyes of Jesus. Let me tell you what I see. All of a sudden you curse and swear and say, ’I don’t know the Man.’ And Jesus looks at you. What do you see in the eyes of Jesus?

I see LOVE!

When I look into the eyes of Jesus, as He looks at Peter:

I do not see eyes of anger. I see eyes of acceptance!

I do not see eyes of bitterness. I see eyes of benevolence!

I do not see eyes of criticism. I see eyes of compassion!

I do not see eyes of guilt. I see eyes of grace!

I do not see eyes of hostility. I see eyes of hope!

When Jesus turned and looked at Peter, it’s as though Jesus is saying, ’Peter, I’m disappointed, but I want you to know: Just because you have failed, that doesn’t mean you’re going to be a failure!’

All of us have skeletons in the closet! All of us have dark, ugly sides about us. And Jesus turns and looks, but I want you to know:

He’s looking with eyes of love, and hope, and compassion.

You can accept His love: and just because you’ve failed, doesn’t mean you have to be a failure.

Peter was indirectly fulfilling a word already spoken by Jesus. He was not a failure because he repented

Whatever mistake you might have made might be a fulfillment of what has been written either by God or enemy. But all you need to do now is to accept Jesus Christ and repent. Amen