Sunday 14 December 2014




What will be the outcome of all the love and effort in a marriage? A strong marriage will bear fruit to the glory of God. Let me share with you what a strong marriage will produce.

A Strong Marriage Sanctifies The Home – Eph. 5:21-22; 25; 29 –
A marriage that is lived out according to the principles of the Word of God is a marriage that keeps God at the center. It produces a home where Jesus is King and God is Sovereign. It is a marriage that opens the door for God to bless in amazing ways. It is a marriage that invites the power of God to dwell in the home. Ill. 1 Cor. 7:12-16)

A Strong Marriage Glorifies The Savior – Eph. 5:32 –

A marriage that operates according to the principles of God’s Word brings glory to the Lord. God is glorified when we live out our marriages according to His precepts. This is true because a marriage that functions according to the Word of God is a marriage that honors His will, and doing His will always brings glory to His name! So, God is glorified when we love like He does.

A Strong Marriage Witnesses To The Lost –

A strong godly marriage is a witness to this lost generation because it is a living, breathing example of Christ and His church. It demonstrates the power of the love of God and the grace of God to all who witness it. A godly marriage exemplifies forgiveness, patience, love, hope, and the power of God’s saving grace. A good, godly marriage is a powerful witness to a lost world. When the world looks at our marriages, they should see how Christ loved His church. They should see that there is just something different about our love for our spouse.

A Strong Marriage Instructs The Next Generation – Eph. 6:1-3 –

In these verses, Paul speaks to the children in the home. Children have a duty to submit to their parents. But, I am talking to husbands and wives today. We need to realize that our children learn about marriage and about how to treat their future spouse by watching you.

How you treat your spouse is probably how they will treat theirs. How you talk to your spouse is how they will talk to theirs. Dad, how you love you wife will be hoe your son will love his wife. Mom, how you react toward your husband will be how your daughter will react toward hers.

A man who curses and abuses his wife will raise sons who are prone to do the same. He will also raise daughters who expect that kind of treatment. Women who ridicule and belittle their husbands will raise daughters who have no respect for men. They will also raise sons with who lack the power to lead.

We need to take a step back and look at our marriages. How do the children around us see us? What are we teaching them about marriage? We have a responsibility to the next generation. We are responsible for teaching them the right way to walk and live.

By the way, don’t use your own upbringing as an excuse for bad behavior in your marriage. Your parents may have fought all the time, but it does not mean you have to. Your father may have abused your mother physically or verbally, but that does not mean you have to treat you wife that way. Your mother may have talked down to your father, but that does not mean that you have to act that way. If you are saved, act like a saved man or woman. If you are saved, you have been changed, 2 Cor. 5:17. Live like the person you are and stop the cycle of sin that has operated in your family.

Marriage is one of the greatest gifts God ever gave to humanity. But, it is truly beautiful when it is operates like God intended it to.

Has He spoken to you about your marriage? Husbands and wives might want to come and pray together today. You might want to ask the Lord to strengthen your bonds. You might want to iron out some troubled places. You might need to apologize to your spouse for acting like a jerk. You might want to come and thank God for what He has done in your


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