Thursday 13 February 2014

The role of the husband: sacrificial love,


TOPIC: 2. The role of the husband: sacrificial love,

TEXT: Ephesians 5:25-27

I. What isn’t sacrificial love,

A. Sacrificial love is not just doing acts of kindness
(Ex: washing dishes without watching the TV)
so that I wouldn’t feel guilty.

B. Making things easier for the wife the hope of
earning “brownie points.”

II. Then what is it?

A. Love her unconditionally even up to the point of
giving your life for her.

B. Paul says, “…as Christ loved the church…” Is it
because we are perfect that Jesus loves us?

C. Sacrificial love tolerates rejection, denial and
lack of approval, (John 1:11).

D. A husband who loves his wife sacrificially
continues to love her even when she doesn’t
want to respond.

III. How do I practice this?

A. Love your wife as to yourself, (Ephesians 6:28a).

B. Be willing to forgive when she falls short of your
expectations, (…as Christ loved the church and
gave himself for her…).

C. If confrontation is necessary do it in love,
(Ephesians 4:15). Not harshly, (Colossians 3:19).

D. Love her even if she doesn’t respond.

IV. Why is this important?

A. An unloving husband can’t expect his wife to
submit to his leadership,

B. The woman’s main needs are physical and
emotional security.

C. The husband is her source of protection.

D. An unloving husband makes her feel insecure
which in turn hurts the marriage relationship.

I. We are living in an era where marriage has come under the attack of many external forces.

II. Many marriages become victims of external forces because the relationship itself is weaker.

III. When husband and wife works together in love and submission their marriage becomes healthier and stronger and external forces can’t effect penetrate such marriages


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