Tuesday 11 February 2014

You are the light of the world!”


TOPIC: You are the light of the world!”

Matthew 5:14-16

"I am the light of the world - whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but have the light of life" (John 8:12). It is astounding that Jesus calls himself the light of the world and, in Matthew 5:14-16, Jesus also declares that we are the light of the world! He encourages us to let our light - our good deeds - shine before others so that they may glorify our Father in heaven.

God wants you to be like a city on a hill (Matthew 5:14) where you, as a disciple, will live such a light giving life. Imagine getting up each morning with the burning desire (in all humility before God) to be a blessing to all whom you will meet that day!

So what are some ways you can be a light to the world? Start your day full of praise for our King. Ask the Lord for the grace to be a blessing everywhere you go and pray for the salvation of people who don’t know Him as their Savior.

On your way to work, pray for the people God puts in your path, asking God to focus your attention toward people that are on His heart.

If someone treats you badly or unfairly, recognize the anger in your heart, forgive the person, and pray that the Lord will bless them. You will immediately sense God's peace.

At work, you can pray for your project for the morning and start with joy, knowing you are doing it for the Lord. Thank a co-worker for a great job done. Take a refreshing drink to a new co-worker.

If your manager asks for a volunteer to assist at another branch, you can volunteer while silently asking the Lord's blessing on the manager. And so on ...

Lord, help me to shine as Your light in my world! Give me the wisdom and sensitivity not to look proud as I do it. Touch people, so that they may glorify You. In the Name of Jesus, Amen


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