Thursday 18 January 2018

Two churches



Mathew 25

From this little parable we can draw a number of important spiritual lessons. As we think about these things, let’s remember that this is a story for “insiders,” for church members and religious people of all denominations. It is for those who claim some attachment to Christ and who profess some allegiance to him.

Every Sunday two churches gather

1. The OUTWARD CHURCH is everyone who comes to Calvary. It consists of members, regular attenders, friends, visitors, and the great mass of peripheral people who rarely attend but still consider this church as their church. As such,

the visible contains the truly converted and the unconverted. It consists of some who know the Lord, some who are seeking the Lord, some who attend but are lethargic, and others who are nothing more than religious hypocrites.

2. The INWARD CHURCH is the “invisible” church made up of those true believers in Christ who worship here week-by-week.

The point of Christ’s parable is to remind us that just because you go to church doesn’t mean you are truly born again. People come to church for all sorts of reasons, some good and some not so good. People come because of family ties, to see their friends, to get out of the house, because they like the music, in order to impress people, or because of a feeling of guilt or obligation or because they think they can gain favor with God by being in church. Not all of those things are evil in themselves but any of them or all of them can be excuses that keep you from coming to Christ for salvation.

Going to church is good; coming to Christ is better.

Being baptized is good; being born again is better.

Giving money is good; giving your heart to Jesus is better.

Being religious is good; knowing Christ as Savior and Lord is better.

You could be going to Church and still not be a true Christian. To some people that is a shocking thought, but it is true nonetheless. Church membership identifies you with the visible church of Christ, but only true saving faith makes you a member of the invisible church of those know the Lord.

In Jesus Name you will not lost, the saving power of God will set you free from. Self Inflicted problem in Jesus Name.

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