Thursday 7 August 2014

Olive Oil For Getting Rid Of Ugly Acne Scars

Acne is certainly one of the worst skin problems that we experience from time to time. Depending on its severity, acne can cause emotional distress and lead to scarring of the skin. Acne scarring can be brown, pink or red, and can take a long time to fade form the face. Luckily, by applying olive oil to the skin in a few different ways, acne scars can fade more quickly.

This is because in addition to its many awesome healthy benefits, olive oil is

rich in vital vitamins, which makes the healing process of acne scars faster.
full of antioxidants, which keep toxins at bay and prevent all sorts of infections.
known to possess excellent antibacterial as well as anti-inflammatory properties that are necessary for curing acne and its scars.
non-comedogenic (does not clog skin pores) by nature, which makes it an ideal remedy for acne.
So, if you have acne scars, invest in some olive oil and say goodbye to the skin problems forever! Here is a step-by-step common and conventional way to make use of olive oil in treating acne scars: Step 1. Massaging: Doing this at least twice every day before bedtime can help you make the dead tissues softer and get rid of stubborn acne scars easily

Take one tablespoon of olive oil and massage it gently over your skin and acne scars, by moving your fingertips in small circles.
Make sure that you use deep pressure and keep massaging for 4 to 5 minutes.
Once the skin pores get saturated, wipe the excess oil away from your face by using a clean and warm washcloth.
Repeat for a couple of times and finally,
let the oil sit for 15 to 20 minutes.
Step 2. Steaming:

Getting facial steam right after an olive oil massage is highly effective in fading away acne scars. This will make the scar tissues loose enough to get removed easily.
Take a large pot filled with steaming water.
Bend over it in such a manner that your face remains at a distance of around 18 inches from the water. I
f you lean more than this, you might end up scalding your skin. So, be careful.
Now, take a large towel and cover your head with it so that the steam can reach your facial skin properly.
Stay in this position for 8 to 10 minutes. Then,
Wipe off the excess oil and sweat with the towel.
Step 3. Exfoliating: Now, it is time to exfoliate your skin with a scrub. This process will speed up the removal of the soft and loose acne scar tissues. For this,

mix one tablespoon of baking soda with one tablespoon of olive oil and blend well.
Apply it onto your skin, especially over the acne scars, and rub gently with your fingertips, using circular motion.
Do this for 3 to 4 minutes and after that,
wipe away the mixture from your face with a wet wash cloth.
Step 4. Maintenance: It is of utmost importance that you maintain an acne-free skin after getting rid of the scars. The layer present beneath the surface layer of the skin becomes visible to some extent during this time. In order to protect this from further infection, prepare a concoction by

combining 3 drops of tea tree oil with 5 drops of olive oil.
Apply it all over your face with the help of a cotton ball. It will not only normalize your skin but also make your skin less-prone to acne.
You Could Also Try: -Olive Oil With Lemon Juice:

Blend one teaspoon of olive oil and half teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice well together.
Pour the mixture into a glass jar. Now, dip a cotton swab into it and apply onto your skin.
Allow it to sit for 5 to 10 minutes.
Then, wash off with lukewarm water. You can store the jar in the refrigerator and
use the mixture twice a day to get visible results.
-Olive Oil With Sea Salt:

Take two tablespoons of finely pulverized sea salt and one tablespoon of olive oil.
Mix both of them to form a smooth and thick paste.
Use it as a facial scrub just like the olive oil and baking soda scrub. The application procedure is also the same. It will also help you fade away your ugly acne scars quickly and effectively.

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